Tips & Tricks
Notes related to Tips & Tricks:
13 things for a healthy life

5 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day

Adding Alternative Checkboxes in Obsidian

Apache Cookies
Bash - change file timestamps using exif data
CORS Mult-Domain for Apace

Conky Install

Garmin eTrex 10
Gatsby - Separating markdown files based on file structure
Git - Start a repository on your own server
Make Bash Case-insensitive for the current user
Mass Move Files
Recover corrupt Raspberry pi sd card

Update image timestamp
Using AWK to parse CSV files
Using multiple github accounts with ssh keys

VIM add numbers to range
digiKam - Check and Optimize digiKam’s Databases
digiKam - code signing issue
iCloud Sync Issues
jQuery - Automatically load content on scroll
jQuery - Check if an image is loaded
jQuery - Clone table header to the bottom of table
jQuery - Div full Width and Height of viewport
jQuery - Equal height columns
jQuery - Load external content
jQuery - Open external links in a new tab
jQuery - Partial page refresh
jQuery - Preload images
jQuery - Smooth scrolling to top of page
jQuery - Sort a list alphabetically
jQuery - Table Stripes