
Notes page 4

Building a Pi Supply Power Switch for Your Raspbery Pi

Building a Pi Supply Power Switch for Your Raspberry by alanwbaker, The Raspberry Pi is a nifty little computer for…

CB Frequencies

CB Frequencies CH 1 - 26.965 CH 2 - 26.975 CH 3 - 26.985 RC/ channel 26.995 CH 4 - 27.005 CH 5 - 27.015 CH 6 - 21.025 CH 7 - 27.035 RC…

CORS Mult-Domain for Apace

CORS Mult-Domain for Apache An http response can only have at most one Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. The header can only specify only…



Coach As Trainer

Coach As Trainer

Computer Stuff

Computer Stuff Some of my projects. Public code is hosted on GitHub