

jQuery - Automatically load content on scroll

jQuery - Automatically load content on scroll Some websites such as Twitter loads content on scroll. Which means that all content is…

jQuery - Check if an image is loaded

jQuery - Check if an image is loaded Here’s a snippet I often use when working with images, as it is the best way to know if an image is…

jQuery - Clone table header to the bottom of table

jQuery - Clone table header to the bottom of table For a better readability of your tables, it can be a good idea to clone the table header…

jQuery - Div full Width and Height of viewport

jQuery - Div full Width/Height of viewport with jQuery This handy piece of code allows you to create a full width/height div according to…

jQuery - Equal height columns

jQuery - Equal height columns When you’re using columns to display content on your site, it definitely look better if the columns have an…

jQuery - Load external content

jQuery - Load external content Do you need to add some external content to a div? It is pretty easy to do with jQuery, as demonstrated in…

jQuery - Open external links in a new tab

jQuery - Open external links in a new tab The target="blank" attribute allows you to force opening of links in new windows. While it is…

jQuery - Partial page refresh

jQuery - Partial page refresh If you need to refresh only a portion of a page, the 3 lines of code below will definitely help. In this…

jQuery - Preload images

jQuery - Preload images jQuery make it easy to preload images in the background so visitors won’t have to wait forever when they would like…

jQuery - Smooth scrolling to top of page

jQuery - Smooth scrolling to top of page Allow your visitors to smooth scroll to the top of the page simply by clicking a a link (with #top…

jQuery - Sort a list alphabetically

jQuery - Sort a list alphabetically On some cases, it can be very useful a sort a long list by alphabetical order. This snippet take any…

jQuery - Table Stripes

jQuery - Table Stripes When displaying data on a table, alternating colors on each row definitely increases readability. Here’s a snippet to…