Productivity can mean different things to different people. For me, being productive equals getting things done. But getting things done is not the same as getting just anything done, it's about getting the important things done.
To help me identify things that I need to get done, I've adopted the GTD Methodology. This methodology gives me a way to capture to-do's, determine where they fit in my priorities and identify what I need to do to move the to-do to a to-done. It also gives me a way to defer, delegate and just delete things that are not really important.
Once I've used GTD to generate my list of next actions, I found that I sometimes needed motivation to move those things along during the day. That's when I found the Pomodoro Technique. This technique divides the work into short focused intervals followed by short breaks. I found this to be very effective with the type of work that I do - software development.
This section of my notes contains information about these systems as well as some notes that I use for my own goal setting.