
Notes page 7

DigiKam to PHP Photo Album - Thumbnail Generation

DigiKam to PHP Photo Album - Thumbnail Generation I have a shell script that runs hourly: The shell script uses locks to ensure that only…

DigiKam to PHP Photo Album - album_library

DigiKam to PHP Photo Album - Album Library The album library is a PHP file which contains mostly formatting code. It pulls in the various…

DigiKam to PHP Photo Album - albums

DigiKam to PHP Photo Album - Album Pages The album pages can be a group of images within an album, a group of albums, or a group of images…

DigiKam to PHP Photo Album - individual images

Individual Images I wanted to have a "detail" page for each individual images, to allow me to display more information about the photo than…


EastTNAPRS NOTE: This information is out-of-date and should be revised. Yahoo! Group I have setup the EastTNAPRS Yahoo! group (http://groups…

FRS Frequencies

FRS Frequencies Channel Frequency (MHz) FRS EIRP Restriction GMRS EIRP Restriction 1 462.5625 Up to 2 watt Up to 5 watts 2 462.5875 Up to…