Notes page 5
Coach As Trainer
Coach As Trainer
Computer Stuff
Computer Stuff Some of my projects. Public code is hosted on GitHub

Conky Install
Conky Install Install it by simply using the package manger: Configure it to start at launch by adding it to the the autostart config…
Connect TH-D74 to Raspberry PI via Bluetooth
Connect TH-D74 to Raspberry PI via Bluetooth To get started, it's easiest to use the GUI to connect to the TH-D74. At the end of that…
D-STAR - TH-D74A Diving into D-STAR – TH-D74A By Toshen, KEØFHS (Updated Jul 2018, CC BY-SA) Quick links to this page's content…
D-STAR Quick-Start Guide
D-STAR Quick-Start Guide by Rob Locher W7GH The goal of this document is to give the reader just enough information to get started operating…