May 2023 trip to Coalmont OHV Park

A long-weekend trip to the Coalmont OHV Park (just outside of Tracy City, TN) with Larry, Jim and Jason. Our campsite is captured in this picture (lower right).
We had a good time riding the trails - our tracks are in orange on this image. These trails are primarily used by side-by-sides, but our full-sized Jeeps did not have any issues with the size of the trails.
My Jeep had some issues with the mud - my winch is in good working order :)
Larry's Jeep had a fuel pump failure on Saturday. Jason had to pull him out of the woods dead. After replacing it, he had some other fuel related issues on Sunday that cut our riding a little short.
We had great meals around the campfire - Hamburgers on Saturday night, Hotdogs and camp-fire potatoes on Sunday night.