
Blog Entriespage 2

Bullet Journaling-Habit Tracking

Bullet Journaling-Habit Tracking In my reviewing of Bullet Journaling I've encountered the idea of habit tracking. In this YouTube video by…

Bullet Journaling-Logging

Bullet Journaling-Logging One feature of Bullet Journaling is the Daily Log. The daily log is where you "Rapid Log your Tasks, Events, and…

Leatherman Bit Driver Extender

Leatherman Bit Driver Extender Why I will not be carrying the Leatherman bit driver extender as part of my EDC. A little while back I went…

Bullet Journaling

Bullet Journaling Over the past week I have watched a number of YouTube videos about the Bullet Journal methodology. How to Bullet Journal…

Pocket reading 2022-03-06

Pocket reading 2022-03-06 Items read today: hybrid journal The Dash/Plus System The Trickle List The Taste of the Day How To Get Remote…

First blog post

First blog post Last week I discovered a new app to manage my notes: Obsidian. Previously, I was using Joplin and I liked that it was open…