
Building a Pi Supply Power Switch for Your Raspberry by alanwbaker, instructables.com The Raspberry Pi is a nifty little computer for…

Conky Install Install it by simply using the package manger: Configure it to start at launch by adding it to the the autostart config…
Connect TH-D74 to Raspberry PI via Bluetooth To get started, it's easiest to use the GUI to connect to the TH-D74. At the end of that…
DRAWS™ Installation Draws Getting Started FT-817 setup Draws Manager Raspberrry-Pi-Tracker

Digirig Lite on Raspberry Pi Bookworm When I first started testing the Digirig Lite on my Raspberry Pi I had multiple usb sound devices…
Direwolf setup I like building direwolf from source to ensure I have the latest updates...it is a pretty easy process on a Raspberry Pi…
HamLib Hamlib is a development library that provides an interface to control radios. This software is used in my Raspberry Pi build. https…
PI3 Ham Build Raspbian Buster Installation Prior to boot These steps are not necessary if you setup the image using the Raspberry Pi Imager…
RaspberryPI and soundmodem PTT The RPi has one built-in serial port but in it's default mode, it only supports TX / RX and GND pins. That…
Recover corrupt Raspberry pi sd card Get a new SDCard and a USB reader. Etch a copy of Raspbian Lite on the new card. Boot that. Mount the…
TNC-X for Raspberry Pi tnc-x.com TNC-Pi is a special version of TNC-X designed to interface directly with the Raspberry Pi computer. It can…