
Building a Pi Supply Power Switch for Your Raspbery Pi
Building a Pi Supply Power Switch for Your Raspberry by alanwbaker, instructables.com The Raspberry Pi is a nifty little computer for…
Mobilinkd - Highly mobile packet radio
Mobilinkd - Highly mobile packet radio http://www.mobilinkd.com/ Introducing the Mobilinkd Bluetooth APRS TNC. With your radio, your Android…
RaspberryPI and soundmodem PTT
RaspberryPI and soundmodem PTT The RPi has one built-in serial port but in it's default mode, it only supports TX / RX and GND pins. That…
TNC-X for Raspberry Pi
TNC-X for Raspberry Pi tnc-x.com TNC-Pi is a special version of TNC-X designed to interface directly with the Raspberry Pi computer. It can…