2005-02 Disney Arrival In Orlando

2005-02 Disney Arrival In Orlando

Our trip down took about 14 hours. We traveled down the east coast on I-26 and I-95. Riding the bikes, we had to stop every 150 miles for fuel. When we did stop, we would take 15 to 20 minutes to grab a drink, stretch our legs, and smoke before we continued on. Then we also stopped along the way for two meals - each of which we would sit for about an hour. Overall, I think we made pretty good time. It turned out that Tom and I were the only two guys that rode down. Both of our motorcycles did a great job on the way down - my speedometer cable did fall off at one point :-), but we just took that and put it in the parts wagon that followed us and drove on. Our wives rode in the "parts wagon" (aka, Tom's Suburban) and hauled the luggage and tools. When we left home, it was not raining, but the road was wet from rain earlier; the weather was cool, but not cold. As we drove over the mountains into North Carolina, we took it slow. After we turned onto I-26 and began to head south, the weather warmed up and the roads dried up. From there on down, the ride was beautiful.

Tom Long - my riding buddy
Tom Long - my riding buddy
February 9, 2005