Motorcycle Setup

Motorcycle Setup

I have a Kenwood TM-D700 setup on my motorcycle. The radio itself is mounted in the trunk. The display head is up front (covered with a ziploc bag for those rainy days) using a RAM mount. The antenna is a Diamond SG-M510 2m/70cm Dual-Band Mobile Antenna mounted with a custom mount. The antenna is a 1/2 wavelength on 2m which makes it ideal for use in this application with a limited ground-plane. It works well on the motorcycle because of it's fold over hinge design that will let me fold the antenna down when I put a cover on the bike.

Radio Control Head covered for the rain
Radio Control Head covered for the rain
May 3, 2008
Radio Control Head covered for the rain
Radio Control Head covered for the rain
May 3, 2008
Custom Antenna Mount
Custom Antenna Mount
May 3, 2008
Radio Control Head
Radio Control Head

The Kenwood TM-D700 control head mounted with a RAM mount.

May 3, 2008
Radio Control Head
Radio Control Head

The Kenwood TM-D700 control head mounted with a RAM mount.

May 3, 2008
Paper Map
Paper Map

No matter how much technology I bring along, there's always room for some old-school backup.

May 3, 2008