Winter Field Day 2022
Hal, WB4E and I worked the 2022 Winter Field Day event in the Loudon County ARES Trailer at the Blount County 911 Center.
David Weikeert, KF4DKW, towed the trailer to the BC 911 center and helped with getting it setup. The trailer featured a 15KW generator and a pneumatic mast.
Nick, KK4TID, and Dave, N9KMY, helped with the setup and take-down of the station.
We mounted my Chameleon antenna on the mast and ran it up as far as the coax would reach. This antenna had exceptional reception and relatively low SWR (<4:1) on 80M and 40M. It was used with the digital station and worked reasonably well.
Hal used the same 20M vertical antenna that he used last year and has been using for POTA activations. This antenna was quite successful.
A huge thanks to David Weikert - KF4DKW for letting us use the trailer as well as transporting it to our location.
This Chameleon antenna consists of three components:
- CHA Hybrid-mini (60' wire)
- 2xCHA MIL 2.0
- CHA JawMount About a $500 setup.
It worked well for the event on 20, 40, and 80 meters.
With WFD happening on the coldest day of the season, this little electric heater was the MVP. It kept us plenty warm inside of the trailer.
The SSB operating station with WB4E manning the station.

David, KF4DKW, used the Loudon County EMA's F550 to tow the trailer.

The trailer features a 15KW generator and a 60' pneumatic mast.
The entrance to the trailer is a single door on the rear.
A ladder on the side of the trailer allows acces to the roof and mast.