2024 Tour de Blount
2024 Tour de Blount Overview

2024 Tour de Blount

Event Type

25/50/75 Mile Bicycle Ride

Event Date/Time

May 11 7:30am - 2:30pm

Responsible Agency

Foothill Striders Club

Agency Contacts


Other Contacts:

Communications Organization

Responsible Organization:

Blount County ARES

Liaison To Agency:


Communications Coordinator:


Event Location

Start/Finish at Maryville College, Mountain Challenge Crawford House
502 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy
Maryville, TN US 37804

Cue Sheet


![[2024TourDeBlountMap.JPG]] ![[/_resources/2024_tour-de-blount.jpg]]

Lat/Long of key locations

  • Hillcrest Baptist Church -- 35.71805, -83.87998
  • Rocky Branch Bethel Baptist Church – 4620 Cambridge Rd -- 35.74046, -83.84035
  • Top of The Wall (mile 22) -- 35.63099, -83.94695
  • Top of the World (mile 26) -- 35.65545, -83.90532
  • Coulters Bridge (mile 39/56) -- 35.76620, -83.85610
  • A R Davis (mile 48) -- 35.78062, -83.77300

Staging Area for Communications team

The staging area for the communications team will be the start/finish line. Water Stop operators should leave the staging area 15 minutes prior to the event start.

Number of Event Participants anticipated

Past Experiences

Have we worked the event in the past

Lessons Learned

Personnel Needed/Assignments

Location Callsign Name of staff Arrival time Routes
NCS AI4SI and W7FKI Rick and Jim 7:00
WS1 (Rocky Branch Bethel Baptist Church) WB3JKQ Lou 7:45 All routes
WS1 (Hillcrest Baptist Church) 7:45 75 mi
WS2 (AR Davis) W4NFN Ramsey 8:00 75/50
WS3 (the Wall) NW1A Craig 8:45 73 mi
WS5 (Top of World) KK4XA Bob 9:00 73 mi
SAG1 KE4FGW David 7:15 73 mi
SAG2 KI4HDU William 7:15 73 mi
SAG3 N4AER David 7:15 51 mi
SAG4 WB4E Hal 7:15 51 mi
SAG5 WB3JKQ Lou 7:15 floater
  • Must have ability to haul a bike and rider if needed.
  • Use APRS if you can so we know your position.
  • Bring basic tools, tire pump, extra water.
  • Have sign on back of vehicle and flashing light.

Other Amateur Organizations involved


Repeater Plan

We will use the 146.625 repeater T118.8 for voice and 144.390 for APRS. We will also use 146.55 simplex for NCS to race director comm.

Should 146.55 go down, we will use 146.94 T118.8

Pre-Event testing required

  • What needs to be tested
  • Potential dates
  • Resources needed to test

Equipment requirement

(can we use HT's or do we need high power radio's, are we going to use APRS, etc.) HT's will cover most of the course - especially if equipped with a suitable antenna.

Medical Emergency Plan

(what procedures should we follow, who should be contacted/notified, etc.)

Course Resources

For each of these we need names, vehicle description and a communication plan.

  • EMT/Ambulance
  • Police
  • Super SAG
  • Mechanics
    • Cycology Bike Shop will be setup at Becky’s
  • Other


![[Public Service Event - Bicycle Ride#Public Service Event - Bicycle Ride]]