DigiKam to PHP Photo Album - Album Library
The album library is a PHP file which contains mostly formatting code. It pulls in the various classes as needed to build each block. You can download it entirely here: album_library.php
The functions included are:
getGroupTitle( $groupAlbumId, $tagId )
getGroupMetadata( $groupAlbumId, $tagId )
getAlbumCaption( $groupAlbumId, $tagId )
getSingleTitle( $imageId )
getSingleMetadata( $imageId )
formatGroupOfAlbums( $groupAlbumId, $groupName, $groupType, $groupClass, $groupSize, $limit, $offset )
formatAlbumThumbnailInGroup( $album, $groupName, $elementType, $elementCounter )
formatGroupOfImages( $groupAlbumId, $tagId, $groupName, $groupType, $groupClass, $groupSize, $limit, $offset )
formatImageInGroup( $image, $groupName, $elementType, $elementCounter, $tags )
formatTagCloud( $groupAlbumId, $tagId, $imageId )
formatAlbumCloud( $groupAlbumId, $tagId )
formatBreadcrumbs( $album )
formatImagesAjaxArray ( $albumId )
formatImagesAjaxGallery( $class, $albumId, $limit, $offset )
getElementTypeForGroupType ( $groupType )
printGroupOpen ( $groupName, $groupType, $groupClass, $groupCounter, $isEmpty )
printGroupClose ( $groupName, $groupType, $groupClass, $groupCounter, $isEmpty )
limit_text($text, $limit)
I will elaborate on this at some point.