Ham Radio Notebook
My Ham Radio Communications Notebook is a work in progress - and has been for years. It’s filled with various documents and forms that I have found useful over the years.
Quick Reference Sheets
- US Amateur Radio Band Plan from ARRL
- The Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide
- Map of Tennessee Counties
- US Grid Square Map
- Emergency Reference Information for Amateur Radio Station with information for my county and neighboring counties
Electronically, I keep a copy of the NIMS ICS Forms Booklet available, but only keep select forms in hard-copy in my notebook.
- ICS-214, Activity Log
- ARRL Radiogram Forms
- Amateur Radio Disaster Welfare Message
- ICS-213, General Message
- ICS-205, Incident Radio Communications Plan (v3).pdf
- FSD-255 Emergency Reference Information for Amateur Radio Station with information for Sevier County
- Station Roster (to be used during an event to keep track of stations that are in/out and their location)
- Relief Emergency · Routine Messages - Recommended Precedences
- KV5R’s Amateur Radio Traffic Handler Training Document
- Several documents from N5TIM about events (see http://qsl.net/n5tim)
- Skywarn Storm Spotter Guide
- List of local area repeaters
- SERA Frequency Utilization Plan
- The Settings for the TNC in my TM-D700 when using it as a stand-alone digi (a handy reference when I need to set that up).
- Road map of Tennessee